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WOW Mobile Iphone Tethering & SMS Settings

Posted by Patrick Moore On 2:59 PM

After days of delay, Dev Team finally released ultrasn0w, which allowed people with jailbroken iPhones running OS 3.0 to finally unlock their phone. The purpose? So people can use their iPhone on other carriers besides AT&T. In most people’s case inside the US, it’s to use on the T-Mobile carrier.

Once you do get things running, you’ll realize two things; MMS isn’t enabled by default and neither is Internet tethering. This quick tutorial will get your phone up and running so you can send MMS messages and tether your Internet with T-Mobile USA.

First we need to setup MMS (and internet too) by going to Settings then selecting General > Network > Cellular Data Network.

Under the first Cellular Data group, you’ll need to input the following information:

APN: internet2.voicestream.com

On some sites, you may see people tell you to put wap.voicestream.com. Doing this will send all your requests through the T-Zones service, which is much slower than Edge! Only internet2.voicestream.com unlocks the full power and potential of Edge.

Next, to setup MMS, you’ll need to put the following information under the MMS group:

APN: wap.voicestream.com
MMS Proxy:

Now, restart your iPhone by holding the lock button and home button for about 15 seconds. Once your phone is back up you can go to the messages application and create a new text message to yourself. In this text message, press the picture icon and either take a new picture or select an existing picture. Select send and if all goes well you’ll not only successfully send a picture message, but also receive one.

The next step is to setup Internet tethering. Just as a warning some people have experienced some problems sending / receiving MMS messages after they do this, but I personally haven’t had any issues. If you do have this problem though, one way to fix it is by going to
Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

To get tethering setup, you’ll need to add T-Mobile as a carrier to your iPhone. To do so, just navigate to this URL on your iPhone:


It’ll ask you a couple of times if you want to install this carrier, just select yes each time until it’s installed. Once it’s installed reset your iPhone again like previously mentioned above. When the iPhone restarts, you can access the tethering options by going to Settings > General > Network > Internet Tethering.

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