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Blackberry Internet Set Up For WOW Mobile

Posted by Patrick Moore On 2:49 PM

Step 1

Main Screen > Options

· Mobile Network

o Choose T-Mobile

· Network Selection Mode

o Automatic

· Network Technology


· Network Mode

o 2G

Step 2

Main Screen > Options > Advanced Options > Hosting Routing Table

· Register Now

Step 3

Main Screen > Options > Advanced Options > TCP/IP


o EPC.tmobile.com


o Enabled

· Username for APN

o Leave it Blank

· Password for APN:

o Leave it Blank


Step 4

Reset Service Book

· 2 options

o Call T-Mobile (800) 866-2453

o Set-up personal website https://my.t-mobile.com/Login/MyTMobileLogin.aspx

§ Make sure that your phone is appearing on your
home page

· BlackBerry Storm users need to choose BB 8800

§ Click on BB internet email

· Input your device PIN and IMEI

· Add emails

· Click on Service Book then send

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