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T-Mobile Customers Switching To WOW Mobile

Posted by Patrick Moore On 9:35 PM
A customer coming from T-Mobile can switch over to WOW Mobile without paying a cancellation fee if they are still in a contract. The customer can port their existing wireless number from T-Mobile and use it on the wow mobile service, powered by T-Mobile. The customer or IR (Independent Rep) would need to contact T-mobile at 1-800-375-1126 to have the change of billing responsibilities read to him. When this step has been completed please have the IR contact our processing department at 1-208-795-0600 and the changes will be made.

If you are a T-Mobile customer and want to keep your phone number and just eliminate your bill, WOW mobile is the service for you. After only referring three people to use the WOW mobile service, powered by T-Mobile, you will never have a cell phone bill again. Contact me for details or watch these videos to learn more about WOW Mobile

Patrick Moore: 360-628-8962

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