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Why Choose WOW Mobile?

Posted by Patrick Moore On 6:34 PM
How many people do you know, personally, just friends, family, business associates that have a cell phone? Probably everyone you know owns a cell phone. And each of those people most likely, are locked into a contract with their carrier who provides limited monthly mobile phone service.

I would like to bring to your attention a ten year old company that has been a leader in the VOIP industry, Liberty International. Liberty Intl. is now providing WOW Mobile GSM cell phone service ( GSM: Global System for Mobile Communications ).

GSM is the most popular standard for mobile telephone systems in the world. The GSM Association, its promoting industry trade organization of mobile phone carriers and manufactures, estimates that 80% of the global mobile market uses the standard providing more coverage in more countries to the subscriber.

WOW Mobile – GSM Android cell phones are unlocked and service is month to month with NO user limitations…talk and text and surf the web all you want for a flat monthly service fee with NO data caps and NO roaming charges.

And it gets better because your WOW Mobile GSM Android ( htc Magic & Motorola Cliq ) can tether / connect your blue tooth enabled laptop to the internet- NO need for an air card. Upload / download speeds are 2xs my home cable service!

It’s gets even better, YES, way better because for the next nineties days ( Feb.- April 31. will not be extended until we hear different,) WOW Mobile and Liberty Intl. wants 100,000 new customers and will pay you to share this incredible service.

No other major cell phone service comes close to what WOW Mobile offers. All other cell phone companies lock their customers into a 1-2 year contract, plus they require deposits, include taxes, and they tell you how much you can use their service each month and if you go beyond their preset limits BAM! extra charges.

Get more information on WOW Mobile today, get unlimited service for a flat monthly fee without taxes. Share WOW Mobile service with your friends and family ( business associates too!) And help them save money each month on their mobile phone bills.

Let me ask you one last thing. How much is your loyalty to AT&T, Sprint, t-Mobile, Verizon…costing you each month? And just think...When is the last time these companies wrote you a check for referring your friends or family to use their service?

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