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Brief Explanation Of Refer3Promo With T-Mobile Service

Posted by Patrick Moore On 10:40 AM

Wow Mobile with the Refer3Promo is considered a viral phenomenon, made possible by good ole' fashion "word of mouth" advertising.

Large companies such as T-Mobile spend millions of dollars in advertising each year. Other smaller companies, such as residential construction companies or Jimmy-Joe's Bar & Grill - rarely spend as much for the advertising bill and rely on "word of mouth" to bring in the customers.

The way Wow Mobile works is by taking portions of T-Mobile’s Advertising bill and applying it in the form of referral compensation and associated affiliate payments.

By doing this T-Mobile expands their Markets and becomes overall more successful.

In the U.S. T-Mobile has over 35 million subscribers, making it our 3rd largest carrier.

With the help of Wow Mobile and the Refer3Promo – T-Mobile is well on its way to being number #1 in America. Because in America, “word of mouth” advertising can go a long way.

Since T-Mobile has teamed up with Wow Mobile to control their “word of mouth” advertising campaign - signups have significantly increased- meaning that it is only a matter of time before Verizon, At&t and other major carriers consider Wow mobiles Refer3Promo as well.

This is just the beginning of this cell phone service phenomenon, with the program only being in place for about 9 months now, It's an entrepreneur s dream.

This gives you the ability to run a successful Cell phone store, getting paid monthly-per subscriptions, right from the comfort of your home.

The success rate of this program has been astronomical. Mainly because it is so easy to sell.

“Refer 3 and your service is free” is truly a viral idea.

-Who doesn’t want unlimited talk, unlimited texting, unlimited internet usage and unlimited data transfer and even home phone service

-Who doesn’t like the idea of getting paid every time they help someone eliminate their phone bills?

Top affiliates in our company have not only managed to eliminate theirs and their families and friends cell phone bills.

They have also managed to bring in up to $7,700 in commissions and payments DAILY.

Now I’m not telling you that you will join Wow Mobile and you will be making that within a few months. Top earners have dedicated a lot of time into their business and they get paid well for their efforts. But… All of our top earners started out exactly where you are. They wanted a change in their life and somewhere along the way, they took a chance, they got involved with a great idea and they seized the moment.

Now is the time for you to seize your moment- THIS moment.

The worst that could happen is you get free cell phone service for life! Not too bad! On another note; you could find your calling and become wildly successful.

My name is Patrick Moore and I am ready to help you get your cell phone service for free. I am willing to do what it takes to ensure you get your first three people, whether it is sharing my marketing ideas with you, unlimited support for your entrepreneurial mindset or 3-way calls to help with your leads.

I am a true believer of the “helping others” motto.

“Together” we can be successful.

I am available to answer any questions you may have about wow mobile seven days a week please call before 12:00am PST (midnight). Feel free to browse my website, refer3promo.com and I hope to be hearing from you soon.

Patrick Moore

WOW Mobile has three pricing options to choose from. You can see the rate plans below and choose which one works best for you. If you have a iphone, blackberry or other smartphone device, you will want to choose the $89.95 plan with unlimited voice, text and data. This also allows you to receive email, watch videos online and wirelessly tether your laptop to get unlimited internet through your laptop while you are traveling.

NO Contracts!
NO Credit Checks!
NO Taxes!
NO Overages!
NO Hidden Fees!
FREE Auto-Ship!

For The 1st Time In History A CUSTOMER Can Make Money!

And If You Are Currently A T-mobile Customer, You Can Switch Over To WOW With No Cancellation Fees. Keep Your Same Phone & Phone Number...Just Get Rid Of The Bill!

To Get On Your Way With Wow Mobile & Eliminate Your Cell Phone Bill See Contact Details Below.

Patrick Moore
Wow Mobile Representative
(360) 628-8962

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