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WOW Mobile Calling Features

Posted by Patrick Moore On 10:44 AM
Free mobile phone service for your existing GSM phone ($24.95 SIM card) or order a new smart phone uniquely provisioned with the WOW Mobile "Android" WiFi application. UNLIMITED Everything month after month when you sign up three WOW Mobile customers or independent representatives!

WOW Mobile Voice UNLIMITED Nationwide Anytime Calls!
WOW Mobile Text UNLIMITED Text Messages!
WOW Mobile Pictures UNLIMITED Multimedia Messages!
WOW Mobile 3G Internet UNLIMITED Fast 3G Internet!
WOW Mobile Long Distance UNLIMITED Long Distance Calls!
WOW Mobile Web Browsing UNLIMITED Web Browsing!
WOW Mobile Emailing UNLIMITED Emailing!
WOW Mobile Downloading UNLIMITED Downloading!
WOW Mobile WiFi Connections UNLIMITED WiFi Connections up to 150 ft to your mobile phone!

Of course, if you would like to continue to pay a cell phone bill, we offer uniquely affordable mobile service plans at $89.95 per month exclusively for Liberty International / WOW Mobile members.

NO WOW Mobile Deposit NO Deposit!
NO WOW Mobile Long-term Contract NO Long-term Contract!
NO WOW Mobile Additional Fees NO Additional Fees!
NO WOW Mobile Credit Check NO Credit Check!
NO WOW Mobile Data Transfer Fee NO Data Transfer Fees!
NO WOW Mobile Cancellation Fee NO Cancellation Fees!

All with absolutely no hassles. Sales Taxes are included! Just one flat fee and UNLIMITED mobile service on America's largest 3G mobile network! Delivery time is typically 4 business days. Transfer your existing phone number for only $25.00! Visit GSM Mobile Coverage web page and enter your location to check 3G and Edge/GPRS mobile service in your area.

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